Cigno is happy to present for Rosh Hashana
Apple & Honey
Babka Bake
With a
Reversing Breathing Workshop
Famous Pastry Chef
Iris Dahoah
Ilanit Fridman
Certified Life Coach for Inspired and Mindful Living (M.Ed)
פותחים את השנה עם אפיית בבקה וסדנת נשימה וריברסינג
Make a delicious desert
For your Rosh Hashana table
And Learn new Relaxing Techniques
To Start off the year
Wednesday, September 25th
7:30 PM
Chabad Israel Center
11443 W Palmetto Park Rd Boca Raton Florida 33428
$36 must RSVP through the link
Chabad Israeli Center 11443 West Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton Florida 3342